“The doctor of the future will give no medicine but will interest his patient in the care of the human frame, in diet and in cause and prevention of disease” - Thomas Alva Edison
The practice, & importance of Lifestyle Medicine :
Dr. Nambiar currently practices as a Consultant Obgyn and Managing Partner at Parvathy Medical Center, Ooty. The hospital is proud of its contribution to health care for the women of the Nilgiris and its ethical practices for over four decades.
Dr. Nambiar has also been using Lifestyle Medicine as a form of preventive care since 2000.
Lifestyle Medicine embodies a person as a whole. It includes everything from her life satisfaction, exercise, diet, sleep, stress etc. in combination with her history, medical findings, investigations and vital statistics.
It is the therapeutic use of healthy lifestyle habits to prevent and reverse disease. Such methods as exercise, stress management, dietary modification and cessation of alcohol, drugs or tobacco are a part of Lifestyle Medicine.
While Obstetrics and Gynaecology is a very involved medical practice in itself, combined with Lifestyle Medicine, it is a powerful combination for Holistic Healing and Empowerment.
She is on the council of the global consortium - the True Health Initiative - that promotes Lifestyle Medicine.